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OLDKID 07-12-2016 08:52 PM

The OLDGIRL won't let me Dial 911
I realize it's been a long time coming , but sure looks like the Inmates have the keys to the asylum . Not the right place to comment/post , wanted to call the local CopShop but the wife said Not such a good idea , So here you go ..... Sorry if I offend anyone .... I just want to commend all the Men and Women and their Families involved in Law Enforcement during these Traumatic , Difficult , Dark , and Bizarre Events unfolding as of recently . Thank You for Your Service , And May God Bless And Protect You And Yours .

SYCARMS 07-13-2016 10:47 AM

There is an old communist saying." If your agenda is unpopular with the masses, just create a great problem than submit the unpopular agenda as the solution and now the people will accept it. The elite want a federal police in this country just like the rest of the world. Some examples to back that up. Original Patriot act dead in the house and senate due to unpopularity with the people. OKC federal building blows up and by end of week senate 100% congress 99% vote in favor of once unpopular bill with the people's blessing.Patriot act 2 dead in house and senate with the people outraged, world trade towers are attacked. Two weeks later bill passes with the peoples support and homeland security is created. Single payer health was first proposed under Reagan than Bush which went nowhere since the people rejected it, it went no where. Than Clinton tried with Hillary care but again the people would not have it. The whole time rates are on the rise along with diabetes,cancer,and asthma and the economy is being set up to crash to put millions out of work thus loosing their health care causing rates to climb even higher. Than comes Obama with Obama Care. As PT Barnum famously said, " there's a sucker born every minute". Today I believe it's escalated to 10 people every minute. Almost 50% of the population are suckers, of the remaining 50% of them know whats going on but choose to put their heads in the sand. Of those of us left who see what is going on and voice opposition, we are classified as nuts, terrorists as well as other labels. Now write this last one down and date it: within 10-12 years our police will be federalized, as will our prisons unless the people with their heads in the sand decide to uproot and demand real change back to a constitutional republic government.:dunno::banghead:

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