Thread: Snow Tires??
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Old 01-06-2011, 01:41 PM
Pogo Pogo is offline

Join Date: May 2010
Location: Ontario Canada
Posts: 110

I have Carbide (that never stops to impress me) bare bones stock (except for some lights and other goodies) but stock tires. Had a pretty good snow fall up here(Canada). My first chance to try it out in the snow. WOW did it ever blow my mind away. It did a whole lot better than I thought it would. I didn't take it out in the bush but I did tear up my front yard pretty good. Went through pretty deep ditches good. Except if I stopped at the bottom of the ditch. It would just spin the wheels and not pull out unless I backed up about a foot then no problem getting out. I am talking about a foot of snow or maybe a bit more. Did dougnuts like Jake the bear. Probably going to pay for it when I see my front yard in the spring. When I was finished the whole front end was packed solid with snow. Any way I was really impressed. If you are thinking about chains I think they would likely cause all kinds of problems and damage at high speed. They really expand and start flopping around hitting things at higher speed. Good luck. Pogo