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Old 10-27-2011, 02:19 PM
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x-bird x-bird is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2011
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Ok, think i've got it pretty well knocked. I think having the rear frame in a dropped position was giving me fits with the float level. Getting the idle set with the wheels in the air and no resistance also had me going to low with it and stalling. Apparently the rearmost air filter base plate screw also seals a passage for the primer bulb, wouldn't squirt til i put it back on. Uhhhmmm, word of caution ...don't test drive a kart while forgetting the brake band is sitting on the workbench .... One thing i'm noticing, i can't get full throttle out of it with the cable/pedal assembly connected. probably getting it to about 75-80 percent of the travel of the carb throttle blade plate. i keep playing with the cable setting both at the engine and under the seat, but it seems like i can't get the full range of throttle travel out of it ....