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Old 03-29-2012, 02:53 PM
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x-bird x-bird is offline
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once your married with children, there's no such thing a "free" time LOL .... I've gotten a lot of grief for the amount of time i've been in the garage the past 5 months. the work i enjoy, but i've skipped a lot of family time too though i try not to. And if i hadn't stumbled into this pastime,. i'd have been working on the MGA or firebird just as much--or so i tell the significant other ... Now, I used to freelance regularly for my past full-time employers in my spare time at $175. a page, and i could crank out 2-3 pages per hour pre-edit. how much is my "free" time worth? Close to lawyer's fees. -- i funded a lot of investments with free time. (I like using that one on telemarketers ... "and to whom shall i send the bill for my time that you just paid for?" CLICK. )