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Old 05-13-2012, 03:49 PM
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ckau ckau is offline
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Manco you gotta learn some different cultures buddy. That bow was to the Japanese as a hand shake is to us. The lower the bow the more sincere the gesture.
The same as in our culture when a man shakes your hand, the more vigorous the more sincere you feel the gesture is given. Thats all there was to it.
A little more history,,, the japs have lived with shame and have been apologetic to every u.s. envoy and public figure to ever step foot in japan ever since pearl harbor. To this day there are japs who are still embarassed and ashamed to admit their ancestors participated in this action
The attack was never intended to be a surprise. A communication glitch slowed the delivery of the Japanese declaration of war so we didn't receive it until after the fact. As soon as the Japanese hierarchy learned of this horrific mistake they seriously regretted the action. it's not in their cultural beliefs to wage war in this fashion. They believe a surprise attack of this nature shows weakness and to them, is considered a cowardly act. Many of their top ranking military officers and politicians immediately resigned after learning of this disgrace. Some went as far as committing suicide rather than live with the shame.The first words out of the navel commander's mouth after learning of the mistake were "We have woken the sleeping Dragon". He knew the consequences of this act and was directly forbidden by the emperor to not take his own life. it's also part of their culture to never give up. We knew the war would not end until every single jap was dead. The bombs were dropped in order to save the lives of thousands of American solders that would be needed to fulfill this task. Obama's actions was simply a gesture stating "hey! no hard feelings, lets put it in the past and live on in harmony. I'm cool with that!