Thread: GEORGIA Riders
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Old 06-07-2012, 10:22 AM
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kliff kliff is offline

Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Grovetown, GA
Posts: 309

Originally Posted by metalstudman1 View Post
My family is definitely in (if I can ever get a GOOD paying permanant job again), that's a short comfortable cruise for us.
How are you doing? It's been a good while!!!!!
Any progress on your projects?
Hey MSM, glad to hear you wanna join in!
After Cathy passed, everything sorta went to hell, it's been a bad 18 months. But all the projects are still here, coverred with a 1/4" of dust, but ready to be resumed. And I'm thinking about picking up a Trailmaster 300, along with putting together the DP Monthly Meet...all stuff to keep me busy. Unfortunately, the past 18 mos. took it's tool on my heart too, so I'm not a ready to get out in the shop and have at it, as before. What takes most guys 8 hours takes me 24. But I'll get it done. And with some old freinds like you, and new ones to be made, the DP Monthly Meet will happen. It'll take time, but it will come to be.