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Old 07-02-2012, 01:00 PM
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x-bird x-bird is offline
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Originally Posted by SYCARMS View Post
Seems to run good with plenty of power. If only you were still in your early teens we would know how the buggy would take that gully at full speed.LOL
believe me, if hadn't "lost faith" in it because of the rear axle shearing, i would already have built up a launch lip on it to get the front end in the air in the downward drop direction. My elbow keeps muttering at my right foot to back off .... I hit it a couple times the other direction enough to get the front end up, followed by the back up in the air while the front was coming down. rear is too soft, bottomed and while the nuts didn't move, the chain loosened up. 25 years of bmx and DH racing aren't out of my system just yet ....

Garmin (first version of e-trex gps) showed 29.5 as top speed, i think that's a bit slower than it really is. seat of the pants says 35+ a couple.

"I wanna come play!"

You and anyone else are welcome to visit any time, only issue is there's nowhere to ride up here, you guys have all the goods! I checked with the farmer whose fields run right next to this one, (where i go up on the road and turn around) the one i'm riding in is not theirs, security at Dixie doesn't know if they own it but said "do whatever you want there" lol. A developer i know of may be the owner, which would be a downer, because i'm not the type to blatantly trespass repeatedly as tempting as it is to poach rides. I don't want the knock on the door to find a lawyer on the other side. around here, liability issues have everyone locking down their land tight, including my own little woods trail--that's now off limits thanks to the ins. co. I'm doing some deed searching on the field. if it's dixie's, then i've got a place to stretch its legs so to speak. can't get near that speed in my yard. found a couple pay-to-play places kind of nearby, but i don't have a trailer yet.

Last edited by x-bird; 07-02-2012 at 01:17 PM.