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Old 07-14-2012, 04:30 PM
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Rarerat Rarerat is offline

Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New Mexico
Posts: 456

LOL.. I am kind of doing the same thing with my brother in law. I took him out riding last year once hoping I could get him hooked and thought I had him. There for a bit, he was looking for a Pilot and then things cooled down and he put it out of his mind. I have tried several times since then to take him riding again but our schedules have never lined up where we are both free at the same time..

So... I have now become a little more devious in my attempts to get him into the hobby. We went to his sons birthday here a few weeks ago & i told his son that my daughter & I would take him and his dad riding and that they could ride together in my side by side. Of course my nephew was excited to go once he heard that. Well last week I just rode the side by side over to their house and told my BIL to take his son for a ride. Well he didn't want to so I did. You never heard a kid so happy and hooting & hollering so much as this kid as we were blasting down the arroyo at 55 plus.

So last I heard from my sister is they started looking around for a good 350 Odyssey. Do I feel bad? well maybe a little.. but they will thank me later when they get to experience some of the fun these buggys bring.