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Old 08-27-2012, 07:22 PM
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trailrider198686 trailrider198686 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Just outside st.louis
Posts: 41
Default Burning oil???? Help please

Hi, today I was out riding all day and at one point I was going down a Very long, very steep hill. After about 45 seconds of creeping down the buggy died suddenly. I finished rolling down the hill and when I started the engine at the bottom it smoked horribly(oil). The buggy is a trailmaster 300xrx. It has the linhai engine with the head almost horizontal pointing straight at the seats. After the oil burned off it never smoked the rest of the day. Is there a possibility that the hill was just too steep? Is this normal or should I be concerned?? Thanks for any help.