Thread: Sprockets
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Old 09-11-2012, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by ckau View Post
This is a brain teaser.
Somebody slap me with a trout if I'm wrong but it would seem that what ever happens on the jack shaft is irrelevant.
That's why i can't figure ratio's too well when there's more than an initial and final gear. I think i may have to slap you with a trout ...

With his initial drive-jackshaft it's going 1 to 1. (17-17) if he changed from a 17 on the jackshaft, to a larger sprocket--let's say 34 to keep my brain from melting ... then he's cut the jackshaft revolutions in half. the adjoining jackshaft sprocket going to the final sprocket would also be turning half as many times per engine rev. so he'd be revving higher to get up to speed thus a bottom end boost.

In a two sprocket system--big on the engine means top speed, big on the final means bottom end and vice versa. the jackshaft sort of messes this up of course. i get why it's there, especially in this instance, is to get sprocket alignment and probably useable sprockets on the axle in relation to the motorcycle engine because of the different pitches. been looking forward to figuring this out myself when i decide to do something with the quad's 250 sitting out back. have to run the same setup.

Last edited by x-bird; 09-11-2012 at 07:22 PM.