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Old 12-23-2012, 11:53 PM
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toomanytoys2 toomanytoys2 is offline

Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Lefty California
Posts: 284

Yes, in fact that is sort of what you want. It would be great if everything on the intake track (port, manifold, carb) flowed the same. However, in a carb, the flow is relatively stable. It doesn't have to go around curves, or be split in half by the valve stem. So it is the porters job to try and balance out the whole system and not just to hog out the ports. If the ports in the head or manifold get too big, it can hurt the low end performance. That is why I stayed with the stock manifold and ported it. I did not want to use the 30mm manifold and end up with reduced intake velocity.

The really good head porters (I'm not) have spent years learning the dos and don'ts of porting and they get the big bucks for their work. I have just been lucky to know a couple who have taught me what to look out for and to understand what is happening within the head (intake, exhaust and combustion chamber). When I port, I don't try to get the maximum I can get out of the head, but rather improving the flow without doing more harm then good. In most cases, bigger is not always better.