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Old 01-10-2013, 08:05 PM
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Masteryota Masteryota is offline
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I was going to suggest getting a different carb from the start, might look at some of the kart racing carbs? The issue is, getting the timing right on the blower throttle along with the main throttle might be more headaches than you want, I was thinking some sort of cam setup, but as no one has done this before, you might be hard pressed to find something that works. I'm not sure about you guys' carbs, but I know mine is not a down draft style, so it definitely wont work. I think for the time being, stick with the stock cam, once you finally get it working, then find your flat spots and order from there, and you might want to toss the idea around of adding some length to the intake to straighten out some of the turbulence. Of course high flow valves and bigger springs are a must, a 4 valve head would benefit the most from a 'huffer'.

I know you all are mad raving lunatics about power, as am I, but wouldn't a methanol conversion cost a lot less and yield more bang for the buck? I want to see some NOS on here too, I'm just saying, lol.