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Old 05-28-2013, 10:42 PM
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x-bird x-bird is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2011
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It really comes down to how much time, energy, dollars and patience you can commit to the project. I'm about two years in to mine and wouldn't wish 50-75 percent of what it's taken to build it on anyone. a lot of dead-end, back-to-the-drawing-board work is involved converting a go kart like you have into an off-road buggy. Your comment "but from the looks of it ..." is the really kicker, it's what all of us think when we stare at these things and the creative fabricator bulb in our brains lights up--on the flip side, every thing you do in one spot on them comes back to haunt you with more work somewhere else--it's nearly never ending. read my yerf upgrade thread and look at the timeline off it to get an idea and see all the stuff on it i built, then chopped apart and threw aside repeatedly ... I've got about 1.5 percent ride time and 98.5 build time.

You'd be better off finding a decent used 150- 250 powered buggy or building from scratch off a set of plans, of which there are many available. Dollar-wise, i could have bought a really nice 250-400+ powered buggy by now. (doesn't mean i wouldn't mod that though lol)

If you insist on going off the rails on the crazy train, i have a pretty much completely developed out bulletproof swingarm and GY-6 engine that i might consider selling.

Last edited by x-bird; 05-28-2013 at 10:48 PM.