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Old 07-01-2013, 02:32 PM
rosner rosner is offline

Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 6

Thanks for the reply and i'm going to apologize in advance as i'm new to the world of small engines and trying to learn by doing....

So i believe what you are recommending is that i force open the two sheaves of the driven unit - using a screw driver or crowbar or something. This way the belt will sink lower which will give me a bit more slack so i can get the front part of the belt over the brass washer on the driver unit.

Am i reading this all correctly? Any suggestions for spreading the driven pulley sheaves out without doing any damage? The CVT unit is whatever came with the Trailmaster from the factory and I assume its not the highest quality and therefore may not withstand too much - or can i go to town in order to get them apart and not risk any damange?

Thanks again for the help..