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Old 09-24-2013, 12:50 PM
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Originally Posted by toomanytoys2 View Post

I would lead more to thinking of old age, rather then it being your fault. From the pictures it looked like it broke right at the contact point. Who knows how many times, that engine has been shifted and each time that it was, it put a little stress at that point. I would think that if it was caused by too much shifter movement, that it would not only be broken, but it would also have been bent or sprung.

P.S. I sure wish that we had that type of racing around here. I'd be all over it in a hearts beat. Maybe when I retire, I'll get out of this Damn state.
Could be that as well, but i don't think this quad had as much mileage as it had neglect. I've also been hammering the shift lever pretty hard -- it's length above the pivot point really multiplies the force ... anyway, if it was my lever, it won't be causing it again

Spoke too soon though when i said everything came through unscathed. ---lower right a-arm took a pretty huge hit near the end when i centered over a big rock and didn't clear it. both arm tubes are swept up and back pretty significantly. a couple pieces of tube, 2 bungs and some chopping will resolve that without needing to build a completely new arm.