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Old 12-19-2013, 07:54 AM
Svilleken Svilleken is offline

Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Upstate SC
Posts: 8

I believe they are made in China as well and I really do not think less of the karts. However, in reading the reviews I will hear folks exclaiming the kart differences based on manufacturing location. Furthermore, It would not surprise me to learn that the kart builders in China use different part sources on the same models during the year. I have 2 karts and they are clearly different, MT150 which is Metal Motorsports / Hammerhead / Tomberlin and an ASW Zircon. Both run great except when we crash them into trees at 20-30mph and then rims get bent or ball joints break or struts break. (Thankfully the engines are in the rear.) Quick welding job or quick trip to the internet parts bin and a few dollars and we are back up and running. Also, remember this post, should you see a couple of used karts for sale in the Upstate of SC on Craigslist, just sayin'.