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Old 04-10-2015, 01:18 PM
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x-bird x-bird is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2011
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I know what you're talking about tk.
syringe won't push fluid through.
backblast to the face when the line pops off the bleeder, watch out LOL ...

Are your banjo bolt washers the style with the rubber center seal? if so, there's likely some bits of that rubber plugging up the master port/s. on the other side since it likely went up the lines to the master. Those things are the worst, little bits of rubber chunk off and get in the fluid real easily when changing lines, calipers etc. Had it happen to me several times. Had to leave the rig on the trailer at a race once because of that crap.
go to the local auto parts store with a banjo bolt and buy copper crush washers in the right size. replace all the washer with those and you're gonna have to open up the master to get the crap out. you'll need snap ring pliers to remove the plunger rod and seal, then it's just a spring and the piston. blow out the lines and calipers with compressed air and start over, ain't it?