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Old 05-06-2015, 08:54 AM
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john.h john.h is offline
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Originally Posted by hhgtsplatinum View Post
I'll get a pic as soon as I can but it's really simple one comes off the top of the carb and goes to a y or T joint that goes to the intake manifold and petcock on gas tank (bottom one)

I currently have the carb off as I wan to upgrade it, just have no idea what to get... many people say keep the 24mm cvk just re-jet, I want to get a bigger one but 30cvk is too big so maybe a 26mm as my head has 26mm intake port so it makes sense in my head...but now I want a mikuni 24mm or 26 but found out they actually perform as bigger cvk's dues to nothing to block the airflow... so maybe a 24mm.... but now I don't know as many people say get a round slide, others say flat slide... then I have no idea where to start on the jets if I do do a slide carb and many people say round slide suck because u constantly have to be tuning etc.... man I am lost and so it just sits in the garage collecting dust...
That sounds like a lot of decisions to make haha I had the same problem with what I wanted in my cvt and I still haven't made up my mind but on my carb there are two lines that come from the petcock and there are lines that go to the air box too and I haven't gotten an aftermarket airfilter yet because I don't know what to do with that line