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Old 06-06-2016, 09:43 PM
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xlint89 xlint89 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2011
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Well, think we might have "bitten" 2 more guys....

A couple buddies of mine finally came out to play tonight. They were all jazzed up about the Oddyssey. They loved it.

When buddy #1 was asked if he wants to switch back into the Oddy, he says, "nah, this one is fun"

It started raining a little bit, and with the bald ass turf tires on it, he was breaking free the rear and having a blast.

Ironically, he did the EXACT same thing I did a while back. Buddy #2 was parking the Oddy and with me pointing where to park, I hear a THUD/SCREECH....

He attempted a donut in the opposite direction and dumped her on her side. Same spot, same scenario, everything identical. He was fine, just some small road rash on his elbow is all. And the kart is fine too. Just some fresh scratches on the same dented roll cage tube.

Long story short, they loved it. Then the question flies around..... "how much is one of these"

My Yerban assault vehicle: 2.2mm stroker crank, 62mm Nikasil cyl, Taida large vavle head, American made valve springs, ported intake manifold, TM 28mm carb, stock CDI, Bando coil, TK exhaust, stock CVT except for the 14g sliders, 13/40 internal gears, 16T drive, 31T axle sprocket, 22" rear tires, and ONE BIG POTATO CANNON mounted on top..........