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Old 09-23-2016, 08:41 PM
doberman1 doberman1 is offline

Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Table Rock Lake, MO
Posts: 12

I put in a new vacuum style. I figured the old diaphragm might be getting tired. I had a chance to run it some more. This time I scratched my head and I paid more attention to the symptoms. It does not die on smooth ground like in my front yard no matter how hard I hit the brakes (unless I slide sideways). only when it is on rough, rocky terrain. All of our trails around here are rough rocky terrain (anywhere from marble sized to fist sized), but when I accelerate up the hills I'm fine. My grades are steep enough going down hill that I just always happen to be on the brakes when it dies.There is no way the buggy would ever make it up those hills. just no traction. I idled at the top of a down hill section today, and let gravity take over. I did not touch the brake or throttle. When it started getting bumpy it died, THEN I hit the brakes because I wuz haulin ballz by then.:big grin: I think raising the float level slightly might be worth a try....Waddaya think? I'm seriously considering trying to retrofit this thing with some front brakes, too. My hubs are factory drilled in a six bolt pattern. But that's a subject for another thread. And more research before I pester you guys on this site.