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Old 01-30-2017, 04:26 PM
dangeery dangeery is offline

Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 3

FYI, I drained the tank this weekend and inspected the petcock valve and strainer. It had more crud on it than I expected but was far from plugged and I drained a full fuel tank through it very quickly. I installed a new fuel filter that is large and transparent so I can see exactly what's going on in there.

After cleaning everything up and putting it back together, I ran it really hard and after awhile, began having the same problem. I jumped off and looked around back and found the fuel filter to be completely empty. After a few minutes to "rest", the filter finally got enough fuel in it to allow me to start back up and go but without allowing it to fully refill the filter, it stalled out more and more often.

So the short story is that it is clearly a fuel supply issue that is upstream of the filter. I'm going to reach out to the company that sold it to me and see if they are familiar with the fix that JERSEYDEVIL suggested.

Does anyone know the general theory of operation of the vent line from the top of the fuel tank?