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Old 05-25-2017, 11:02 AM
Christof13T Christof13T is offline

Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 17

Well... this one may end up in the Frankenbuggy section before too long. I have been basically given an old ford taurus that isn't worth making road worthy again... but the motor and drivetrain are just fine.. <evil grin>

also have a couple of old toyota gt26 turbo's laying around... might just start looking for a wrecked mr2 to cannibalize....

I have been tinkering with the idea of leaving the rear end on it alone... and just fabricate another one around the ford guts to bolt on. I'm going to do some serious beefing up on the frame. Same plan if/when I find an mr2 to rip apart.

I dont currently have a tubing bender, but I have all the fun parts to build one laying around my shop. Need a converter for that dang pesky 3phase hydraulic unit tho..
I have been kind of procrastinating on a few shop tool builds. I want to try to use a central power unit to run several machines. Tubing bender, press, and maybe a brake/shear. Too many pies... never enough fingers.