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Old 06-20-2018, 01:41 AM
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plee911 plee911 is offline

Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Arizona
Posts: 173

Yea I learned a long time ago that rattle cans are to be avoided if possible.

I have always gotten better results from paint sprayers even with lower quality paints than I was ever able to get with a rattle can.

Not saying rattle cans are bad or don't have their place I just could never get the end result as nice as I would have liked with a rattle can.

For this im going with fair quality automotive grade paint and primer.

When I get to the next repaint I will plan for something more durable since it will stay that color and will probably be looking at the Chroma for that.

I will look at picking up the touch up gun I have the standard HVLP gun from harbor freight already but the touch up gun wouldn't be a bad investment if it will allow me to complete the job with less waste with out adding a lot of time.

I like to primer one day with about 1 hour between coats and paint the next but when doing base coats I only do 2 then let it cure for a week depending on temps before putting on another coat.

Im sure there are better ways to do it this is just what has worked well for me on other paint jobs.

I have found that if I rush the coats I get a poor finished project and if I wait longer than a week between the 2 and 3rd base coat I don't get any better result so that's how I do it.

I will get some pics of my progress and post them as I get things done.
Had not posted many up till now because I was focused on the rewire and it doesn't show well on pics lol.