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Old 05-02-2019, 08:40 PM
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plee911 plee911 is offline

Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Arizona
Posts: 173

For best quality and fair pricing use the supporting vendors of these forums.
Yes the parts are a little more expensive but the quality is assured and tested by other buggy drivers.

Yes you can find alot of parts cheap on fleabay but you get what you pay for and i can personally speak to the lower quality of the parts from ebay and scamazon. They are cheaper but you will replace them at 2 to 3 times the rate or higher than you will the quality parts that come from the vendors.

Remember vendors own and ride buggies they know what parts are good and what parts suck so they stock the better stuff because they love these buggies and want to keep them going.
Supporting them also helps keep these forums going and information and innovations happening
Not to mention it hurts their pocket book when poor quality parts fail and word spreads.

Ebay and amazon vendors dont care cause there will always be another sucker.

If you must resort to the bulk sites order from inside the US or Porta Rico stuff from china takes forever to get here and the quality is terrible.

Just my 2 cents
Where there is a red neck there is a way.