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Old 07-13-2020, 05:16 AM
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plee911 plee911 is offline

Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Arizona
Posts: 173

Your float needle is probably stuck. It probably got jammed during transport.
Cleaning the tank is the same for just about everything nothing special a hand full of nuts and some plain vinegar will usually do the job. As far as treating the rust check with your local auto place for evaporust it coverts the rust to an oxide that wont dissolve. I do not recommend using a sealer i have had bad luck with them going soft and end up floating around in the tank causing problems. But just note that if you have rust in the tank you had water in the tank and if you have junk in the tank there is probably junk in the carb. Pull it and give it a good cleaning im sure you will find the needle stuck when you do. For the electrical Unplug and inspect all of your connectors. Ckau is right you would be surprised how often they will lose connection. Check the buggy for safety cut offs to. Some wont give spark unless the brake is pressed others wont unless its in neutral. There could also be a seat safety. I dont know enough about your model to say for sure. The wires on these buggies are under size Chinese garbage. Go the next size up and replace what you think needs replaced. Its alot of work but its worth it.
Where there is a red neck there is a way.