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Old 02-25-2010, 07:08 AM
TheJollySkipper TheJollySkipper is offline

Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Macon, Ga
Posts: 19

Unfortunately, no... I decided to get the boys into Karting, because I had such fond memories of my old beater kart... and I am SURE it made me a better driver...hahaha
I started checking the ads, and bought an old cart with a roll cage on it...very similar to what I had as far as mechanics drive tire, old style brake... but after shopping and educating myself as to what's out there these days...I think we'd ALL have more fun on a couple of newer style buggys...and they have better axles, and look like they would probably ride better too... I'm gonna clean up the older cart, put some nice pads on the rollbar, tune up the Tecumseh and see how much of my money I can recover...
I also bought a big tire Kart...that looks a little like a Dingo...but I got it so cheap, I couldnt turn it down...and I just bought a 13 horse to go on it, and I got that at a super deal too... so it is a project... lol like I need another project...
I am currently shopping for a couple of buggies...I Like the yerf-dogs... they seem to be a good entry level, and I wont let the boys abuse them too bad at this stage in the game... Ideally, I will find a couple of buggies for the boys, and a slightly bigger one for me and the GF...After all...they cant have ALL the fun...LOL