Thread: help me decide
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Old 04-24-2010, 01:01 PM
chuckorlando chuckorlando is offline

Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 356

A yerf is not even close to the Baja. The baja has some weak hiem joints but you can prder the bigger 14mm from Tomberlin. Baja and Tomberli are the exact same ride just one has a few stronger parts. Both the baja and the yerf run howit motors which has a larger intake than most gy6 motors and also has a smaller final gear for a bit more torque. The yerf is lite but the entire front end is a week point. Lats year at the buggy bash we had one yerf fail at both ball joints and another the whole spindle blew apart. Not broke but blew apart. You can up grade the yerf front through buggy depot. The yerf is lower to the ground, less travel, smaller wheels, and just not as well built