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Old 05-17-2010, 01:47 AM
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DVL_IAC DVL_IAC is offline

Join Date: May 2010
Location: Hamilton Ontario, Canada
Posts: 16
Question Where to find jet for carbide 150cc in canada?

Hi, for the last little while I've been looking for a nice small light buggy frame that I would eventually put a nice motorcycle engine in. About a week ago I came across a carbide 150cc at our local TSC thats been sitting in a tarped crate for the last year un assembeled, and the dealer said he'd sell it for $1999 which is just $30 over dealers cost. So I bought it, knowing that its probably going to be pretty gutless but that was ok because I have no intention of keeping that engine in it. So I brought it home, assembeled it and have been breaking it in for the last week.

The 150 isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and is getting a bit better as it breaks in, but the hp to weight ratio is still alot lower then what I'm used to, but I'm curious to see how much more power you can get out of it before I replace it. I ordered a K&N Air filter for it and am going to get rid of that whole restrictive air box assembly, I am going to either gut the stock exhaust or just build my own exhaust like I do on my other toys, and I want to re jet the carb but am not having any luck in my web searching adventure finding any canadian retailers that would sell jets for this.

So to sum up the point of this post, I was wondering if anyone here would know of any canadian retailers that sell jets for these and maybe other performance parts for these if I decide to go further with the mods?

Also to make sure I'm searching for the right things, these carbides are indeed GY6 engines right? Also I found a couple american sites that will ship to canada, although it costs like $20 to ship a $3 part, but on these sites GY6 jets links to "Keihin" jets, would these be the right ones? Also browsing these forums people with high flow filters and open exhaust seam to use around 145 jets, would that be the right size to get?

Thanks in advanced for any replies. =-)

Last edited by DVL_IAC; 05-17-2010 at 01:51 AM.