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Old 06-30-2010, 11:15 PM
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Rarerat Rarerat is offline

Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New Mexico
Posts: 456
Default Please always wear your safety gear

This is just a friendly reminder to always wear your helmets and seat belts when you ride as they could save your life. Tonight I put mine to the test. I went out for a short ride with my wife & youngest daughter, after a short while we decided to head to some different trails and I opened up my 350 in front of them, and went around corner about 60 mph, and the next thing I know I am flying through the air. I am not sure how many times it rolled but when it came to a stop, I was facing the opposite direction and was 25-30 feet from where the tire tracks ended. I had 3 flat tires, a broken left front fender & it smashed the heck out of the plate on the top of the roll bar.

My helmet hit the roll bar supports several times during the roll over and about knocked me senseless. I have a small head ache, a very sore neck, & back and my right leg has a pretty good bruise where it hit the console. If I had not been wearing my safety gear I may not be here to tell this story, so please guys always wear yours, no matter how careful you think you might be.

left front tire

left rear tire

right rear tire

left front fender

roll bar plate