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Old 08-22-2010, 07:52 AM
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kliff kliff is offline

Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Grovetown, GA
Posts: 309

The "ole Skool Rule of Thumb" for centrifugal clutch ratios and tire diameter went something like this...
6" tire diameter = 2:1 sprocket ratio

So 18" tires, being 3 times larger, would require a 6:1 ratio, more like a 12T / 72T sprocket combo.

There is always fine tuning that can be done, but in the last century, tese are the numbers a lot of us used as starting points.

A "blue" crank is a definite indication of slipping, and imminent failure. Start with a NEW clutch and a 72T sprocket... you'll be surprised at the difference. You also need to allow for "hook-up," so the clutch can cool too. Constant stops, and hard accelerstion, will fry just about any combo.