Thread: stator bad?
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Old 08-28-2010, 09:39 PM
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supertoast92 supertoast92 is offline

Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 103

Ok, after spending a week on vacation at the Outer Banks, NC, I was able to get a good reading of the battery when I got back. Both before and after starting the engine, the voltage read steady at 12.5 V. Ran the kart for a good hour, and the voltage seemed to drop a tenth or so (hard to tell what exactly with the analogue needle), the needle did drop a bit though.

Also, when I gas it the headlight gets no brighter. Another sign to me that there is probably no charge happening.

So would the stator be the only thing I have to replace or inspect? Can I order the stator for the Carbide rather than the Helix from ASW? (I'd rather stick to stock parts.)