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Old 07-05-2012, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by mancoman View Post
We have a name for this kind of trap we call it the"possum & toss em". mancoman
Give them hell ,Manco!
I applaud your catch & release method but I'm afraid your fighting a loosing battle. What you relocate just makes room for more to move in.

I found a couple of babies while removing a dead momma from the end of my driveway. Not having the heart to kill them, I took them to the barn and put them in a box. I was curious about them so for snits and giggles tried to raise them. I was very shocked and learned alot these little guys. They are very shy, cautious and nocturnal. So I doubt that's what was coming up through your floor. They were very friendly, affectionate and personable The wild ones can get very viscious when cornered and provocted but will try any means possible to avoid a confrontation, These never showed any sign of agression. . Their curiosity and mischief was very entertaining! I learned they never have rabies as their internal body temputures are too low to support the virus. They were very clean and spent hours cleaning and pruning themselves, like cats. Most folks consider them nasty and smelly but people would think the same of me if they only saw me while in the act of dumpster diving! They are scavengers by nature so they did a great job of keeping the yard and barn clean! They play an important role in the ecosystem. Rats, mice and snakes got gone! The rats and mice were compititon so the possums run them off and snakes were on the menu. So as long as a possum was on patrol these pests were history! They would sometimes hit the trash if I neglected to hand out cat food. They loved eggs! They would come up to the back door if they smelled eggs cooking. They lived in complete harmony with the cats and dogs and the kids for several years.

Know how many possums it takes to breed? ..... Three!

One has to watch for cars !!!!!!
If your not from the south you may not get that joke!
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