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Old 06-25-2012, 01:13 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Senatobia, Mississippi
Posts: 3,375

I know exactly where your comming from, some people will just take advantage throughout their whole lives and some will show their true colors when the kitchen gets hot. I think Chuck O will back me up on this. For 3 years I would send out parts without upfront payment and was never cheated but once and that was by someone I had many dealings with ( Kitchen got hot) then I got a few lowlives who did not pay at all, so I now only take paypal. The same with advise, I'll some days spend hours helping someone only to find out he bought his parts from someone else to save 30.00. I swear at times I'm going to change the way I give advise since when your self employed time is money, but after I cool down I realise that 90% of my customers were obtained through trust. Life is not fair and is made up with both good people as well as the leaches. The good people is what keeps me on track, but I must say I've gotton much better with remembering who the leaches are and they usually don't get me a second time. We will all be judged in the end so to hang on to honest principles will be the end payoff and as far as the leaches go they will pay in the end. You are correct with the kids, there is no better feeling to know the happiness you brought them by helping dad or mom get their buggies running, even though you can't see their faces if you have kids of your own you can close your eye's and see their smiling faces. That is something money just can't buy.