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Old 10-17-2017, 08:05 AM
Pripyat Pripyat is offline

Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 143

Is increased pressure all the RFYs need? I've read a good bit about the RFYs and apparently changing the oil (or at least filling them with the proper amount) makes a big difference. I'll do that once I figure out what weight oil to put in.

Also - My #1 complaint with the kart at this point is that once you get going (about twice as fast as the video) the floor pan pops in and out and makes one heck of a racket. If you put your hand on top (where your foot lies) and on the bottom of the floor pan (just above the ground) you can pop the floor up/down. I can't think of any way to stop this.. Also at 3/4 speed the engine gets very loud. Not sure if it is the exhaust or other. I'd prefer it to be as quiet (unnoticed) as possible.

There was a comment about mug guards. I'd love to have some but I'm not sure if they are worth the weight. They would definitely be nice, though. Wife slung mud in my beer the other day.

As far as the steering rack goes I keep thinking of ways I can make a jig or guide to cut the additional slots myself. Has anyone here tackled that themselves? How did you do it and how did it work out long-term?

[edit] Also - While I'm thinking about it - There is a thread on here where a guy drilled and tapped two holes on the RFY shocks so he could fill from one and bleed from the other. Can't this be done with one hole and some patience?

Last edited by Pripyat; 10-17-2017 at 10:15 AM.