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Old 08-28-2018, 11:11 PM
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plee911 plee911 is offline

Join Date: Feb 2018
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Posts: 173
Default Just my 2 cents


I would personally not use belt dressing of any type.

First its sticky which will catch and collect dust and dirt items, these are very bad for your belt and your pulleys.

Second they do help the pulley grab the belt better.
Your pulley is designed to allow the belt to slip when the drive load becomes too much. This is a safety feature.

The pulley should slip before the belt breaks, by making it grab harder than designed you potentially overload the belt increasing the chance of the belt breaking instead of slipping.

This also has the potential to do damage to other components since the belt didn't slip if it doesn't break then the next weakest part becomes the victim.

Belts are cheap compared to other parts I would rather replace a belt.
Also if your belt is slipping then it means your asking to much from that set up and you need to look at other options to achieve your goal.

Im far from an expert on these buggies but have seen this stuff used many times and the only time I have seen it be a help was on conveyor belts.

Every other time it caused more issues than it helped.

The only time I would consider using it on a buggy was if you were stuck out somewhere with a glazed belt that wouldn't grab and you needed to get it back so you could replace the belt.

Just my opinion though.
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