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Old 06-21-2012, 06:13 AM
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kliff kliff is offline

Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Grovetown, GA
Posts: 309

It really tends to give a person a bad feeling, and I try NOT to let it get in the way of helping others. The folks with low post counts, are the ones I stay most aware of...sad but true.
There are times when a guy has been around a while, paid his dues, so to speak, and honestly "needs" to sell, for health reasons, or what ever, and needs help getting the buggy up to par for a good sale. These peeps, I don't mind helping out. Have even seen a couple re=enter the hobby, when things got better for them, so it was time well spent with them. But the newbs, just looking for a mental hand out, to make a profit, I have no use for, and whenever I identify them, at least to myself, then I'm done with them. Some could argue that they'll be back, but if they come back, what is their motive, to make more money? I'm not interested.
I'll help the newbs as much as anyone here will, untill they mention selling. And I'll help the veterans here, even when they mention selling. It is a fine line between the two cases, and I don't advise anyone to follow my beleifs....thats just how things have developped for me, and how I handle them. Better to drop the users like a hot 'tater, that get all caught up in a name calling contest, or some such childish endeavor that makes everyone look foolish, and risks memebership, etc.... I just drop 'em.
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