Home built 500cc 2 stroke buggy
I recently bought a buggy that has a 500cc arctic cat engine from an el tigre sled. It has a hex style clutch on it. My question is, are all hex clutches the same except for what weights ramps and springs are in them? My hex clutch has worn bushings in it, but I have a Kawasaki snowmobile that also has a hex clutch in it and I'm wanting to know if I can just swap them around? The clutch that's on my buggy has a really rusty hex shaft, it's even pitted. The entire clutch wobbles because the hex shaft bushings are worn. The hex on my snowmobile looks like it's in much better condition. I believe it's a 1978 but a Kawasaki 440cc for sure. When I test drove my buggy the first time the other say, it seemed to be revving out really high and not accelerating very well at all. I don't think the drive clutch closed all the way up, or the belt didn't get to the very top. I held it wide open for probably a quarter mile and bet I wasn't going faster than 40-45mph. Even at say 5-15mph it seemed to be revving high and not accelerating very well. This engine puts out bout 60-65hp and it has yet to even spin a tire the few times I've test drove it. During my wide open test run, the clutch got stuck in a higher gear and the engine lugged and died when I slowed down. The belt was about 3/4 the way up.