I got started with go karts last year when looking for a go kart for my 7 year old and 5 year old grandson's. Ended up buying a Manco Bandit, 4hp, they loved it. My CDO (OCD with the letters in the right order
) would not let me stop, so I quickly bought a Manco Havoc. Got them both running and the grandkids love it ! I keep going however, and got my first yerf-dog, it was just the lower frame of a 3203, engine wheels, tires, etc.... all in pieces and had been sitting in the back yard for years, trashed out. Got it going, and the fun begins ! Chasing the grandkids on the dirt track in the back yard, they love it. But wait, there's more ! Hooked now, found a 3200 one seater, a 3202, and another 3203 ! (just can't resist the ~100$ deals). Good thing I kept going, now my kids, spouses, etc, all ride, so none are sitting. My latest is a spiderbox about a month ago, so opened up a whole new world of "fixin up" for me. Learning all about GY6 now, keeps my ADD fed if I can read up on the "problem of the day" and work out a fix... But of course none of this for me, I only ride them to "test" them... but I do "test" them at least once a week
So now that you know all this, I have a few questions I'll post in new threads.