Carter Trail Cat
Bought my son this kart back in 98 and he had a blast until things started wearing out and braking. My daughter had been after me for a quite a while (long while) to fix it so she could ride it. Got a Predator motor for it last Sunday. Straighted the RF spindle, tie rods, and replaced front tires. Today I straighted the rear axle. It hopped like a jackrabbit. Both ends were bent. I surprised myself...it really turned out straight with a big vice and torch. I tried to find a 5" brake band at a few places and it seems to be an odd size...plenty of 4" around. I redrilled a new hole and straightened the band. Now it will take both 4" and 5" bands and the 4" works good on it. Only drawback so far is the tecumse had an alternator for the lights and the Predator don't. I wonder how cloned this clone is...if alternator would fit. Just wishfull thinking. The comet torque converter hung up and wouldnt release when stopping. I gave it a very light coating of WD-40 on the weight pins and its working fine now. I only wish this thing had suspension. Too rough for me. Anyhow...sorry for rambling.
Good job getting it up and running- I have a few concerns for longevity though- heating the axle removed the factory heat treating (unless you re-tempered/annealed it again) the axle will probably bend easier now than before. WD-40 on the clutch isn't going to be a long term fix(it's a polymer base, it runs from heat) -you need the spray dry lube(it's a silicone base,it bonds with heat) for the clutch to work properly when it get's hot (PB blaster dry lube works)Your Predator is a Honda clone, not a Tecumseh clone, so I doubt the alternator will work (never tried).
Thanks for the pointers. No I didn't do anything to axle except put it under running water so I could hold it. If it bends again I will order a new one. I have a habit of trying things before spending money. (tight-wad...ask my wife) My daughter has a 4-wheeler so I don't think it will take too long before she loses interest in the kart and I put it up for sale.
It's not called a tight-wad!!! Cost efficient innovator!!! I totally understand the do-what-it-takes economics making the kid's happy is what it's all about!
I got a can of the Blaster dry lube as you suggested and the clutch hasn't stuck since. Only thing left is a leaking rear tire and front bearings. I think my Daughter is about ready to let it go...tired of the bouncing. Might sell it and get a used yerf with suspension.