What Dirt Bike ???
My son is turning 10 next month ! He has shown intrest in a dirt bike !
He is tall for a ten year old and a very good buggy driver and has had lots of time on mini bikes ! His skill lvl is very good and he has good balance ! Any sugestions for a good starter bike ! I had a honda 50 when i was his age but i got bored with it very fast ! I think he needs somthing bigger then a pit bike or honda 50 . I belive he can handel a 80 to 125 if it is tall enough . Just dont want him on something i have to sell next year , like to get something he can get a few years out of . I wont buy new , just need some ideas ! Thanks |
KX80, perfect size bike that has enough power to keep him happy for a long time
will look into it thanks
dirt bike
confession time... I finally got another bike since my first suzuki 50 way back in the late 60's.... at 6 foot tall, 200+ pounds, this one is actually fun, cheap, and will hold me. (yes, it was a weak moment) Plenty of power, I almost lost it the first few times. Considering we are all working on China engines anyway.... http://www.powersportsmax.com/produc...ducts_id/14681
Mainly got it to ride the sand in the bottom of the river (didn't work at all) but if I stayed on the grass did fine. Climbed hills with no problem. When I got back to the house, took out the yerf3200 on the sand, now that was a blast! Added benefit, you can ride it also. |
I had a very bad tendency of finding trees and other immovable objects while airborne when i put an engine between my legs. To this day keep it to 4 wheels--not necessarily ground-bound -- if it has an engine in it.